Wednesday 7 March 2012

the truth about your shamPOO

Good Evening Everyone.

Life is getting harder, but so much better!!!  I've been making soaps, candles and creocheting for a awhile, but now I'm starting to play with what i've got.

I've spent ALOT of money on the materials to have a comfortable place in making soaps. But it sure makes you smarter trying to bargain and control money.

Anyways, it's worth it 100 times and more!!! I get to make ALL of my products for free now! I don't even seem to use much of it anymore, because this stuff isn't made to make you need more!

The most important thing to note about these products is that they are made from INDUSTRIAL WASTE. I'm not kidding. Glycerine, the base of all these shampoo, and almost all other beauty products is made from a by product of fossil fuel production!!!

No wonder it looks so shiny!, it's pretty much an oil slick.

Not to mention all the other artificial preservatives in them to make them last forever. And then they throw in some colour #65027 and pearberry? fragrance.


We need to say NO to these products. I am adamant that this is a disgusting practice that further strengthens our need for   fossil fuels. the truth is WE ARE FOSSIL FUELS.

I say let's use nature to help us. I heard that only a mere fraction of all the plants on earth have been studied for their medicinal properties.

But what we do know is still extraordinary. Essential oils are our best friends right now. And even though they are much more expensive then fragrance oils, they are much more than just a scent.

I see a better world for us, and i'm trrying to help. So everyone know, I use these products. I make these products with my 2 hands in my kitchen, which now is my laboratory.

I'm working on making a natural toothpaste next!   I'm so excited!  My boyfriend said i should make it, which made me SUPER EXCITED! why didn't i think of that? because i didn't need to since i have him :)

A new project. and something i will post when done!

Please check out my new lipbalms and lotion bars! they are just nice.

I'll be back!

now back to my corner of reality :)

All the best

Thursday 2 February 2012

A brief introduction

Today was a long day of working on making new washcloths and taking pictures, all in between working from 8-6. I go to work at 8 and stay until 12-1 depending on the lunch rush. My situation is a bit unusual in the most delightful way. I work where I live, I live where I work. I also live where my mother's family once lived 45 years ago. It's really nice to still be able to use it. It's a wicked bad apartment, full of character, built long ago. They don't make them like this anymore.

I love to create everything I can. I knit, crochet, make all natural soaps and pure beeswax candles. I have made my own lipbalm and I hope to make a variety of beeswax based, natural body products.

I also love to bake! I made a lovely pumpkin gingerbread loaf recipe at work today. I used a whole cup of fresh chopped ginger for 3 jumbo loafs!

I used this recipe, doubled so I could use a large can of pumpkin puree. I do not recommend this unless you have a really big bowl to mix in.

to use fresh ginger for ground, use 1 tbs fresh for each 1/8 tsp of ground.
That's alot of ginger, but it's a good way of using up old ginger that you can find in the reduced produce.

I posted 4 new items today on etsy!

I am getting real tired now, and I'm going to post more tomorrow.
